Five 2017 Modern Technology Techniques to Record a Wedding

Whether you’re a Bride, a Wedding Planner or a Wedding Photographer/Videographer, you have more tools at your disposal than ever before. In this article we’ll give you some great tips on how to utilize modern technology to record a wedding

As it’s 2017, some of these may seem a little “out there”, but they really are possible!

LiveFeed your Wedding to all your distant relatives

Photographs and Video only go so far; there is nothing like experiencing a Wedding first-hand, and it’s a shame that many families are unable to have everyone be there on the special day. Periscope on Twitter and Facebook Live are just two of many live streaming services out there. Let your distant relatives enjoy the wedding live, or even invite the entire world!

If the location has a good WiFi connection you can stream a high quality video stream out to the entire world, and the entire world can enjoy and even discuss your event as it happens. This leads into our second idea…

LiveTweet your Wedding

You don’t have to be Kim Kardashian to use Social Media in your Wedding. Encourage your guests to tweet a hashtag with their wedding comments and photos – Then play them back later on a big screen or save them to be edited into the Wedding Video.


Drones for photos

Modern tech drone record wedding

Photographers are using Drones to take photos professionally now. Get amazing shots you’d never expect and capture the entire ceremony from the sky by using a Drone. Just don’t let an inebriated guest find the controller!



Mini Camera to Record a Modern Wedding with Tech
Both Video and Static Cameras can be miniscule now. You can hide them in unexpected places to get some great suprise shots that can be both authentic and beautiful, or hilarious.

or put ta video camera in the Bridal Bouquet (or if possible, Bridal Headgear)to record the wedding from the brides point of view. Nothing can beat the sight of a Wedding from the Bride’s Eye.


Monitor your heart during a wedding

Using a Fitbit or other Smart device you can record the experience your body is undergoing during the ceremony. This may seem straight out of the year 3000 but recording the heartbeat and other physical stats of the bride (or groom, or anyone!) throughout the ceremony and afterparty. A skilled Editor could even include these in your Wedding Video!

Using one or more of these techniques is sure to bring your wedding to the smart tech world of 2017

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